



Break through
the modern sales infrastructure 🧨

salesBFF accelerates your company’s revenue through a sell without selling methodology that creates news opportunities.


Accelerate your Sales Performance 📈

Are you having trouble defining your value proposition, implementing a sales process or lack team expertise and coordination?

salesBFF guides Portuguese and international B2B companies in the process of entering or scaling in a specific market.

Challenging companies to exceed their expectations, we provide support to tackle the specific obstacles you might be dealing with

We adapt our services to our clients' needs.



📦 We are a business accelerator that tackles specific obstacles in your sales process.

Our creative, tenacious and independent team is committed to supercharging sales for Portuguese and international B2B companies, igniting demand and increasing revenue.



🔭 salesBFF reimagines the modern sales infrastructure.

We're breaking from the idea that selling is a complex, stubborn, and manipulative process.



🧩 We use a 3-step system that approaches important sales challenges, such as:

  • High fixed costs with an internal sales team;
  • Lack of a digital processes for capturing, nurturing and converting leads;
  • Too broad positioning:
  • Underpricing.



🛠 Our services


🚀 If you want to know learn about our non-consulting business model, click here

👨‍🚀 Are you an individual looking to increase your sales performance? We got you



📌 If you wish to schedule a Discovery Session, you can book a slot on the calendar